Visionary peer review #3

Hey Ana,

I really enjoyed your blog post. I can commend you on the way you went about structuring your thoughts and ideas in this post. The way you carefully explain Blake’s ideas and then went on to write a bit about your own experiences, as a form of evidence. I can definitely agree that with no contraries there is no progression and
I think it is wonderful that you have made this realisation. It seems you have captured the essence of Blake, you have portrayed him as a man who wishes equal treatment toward all persons. I am glad you were able to find heaven in a wildflower again.

Keep up the amazing work!

Original comment can be seen here:

Visionary Peer Review #1

Hi Elleni!
What I deeply enjoyed about your blog this week was the simplicity. You managed to keep your poem rather short but effective, as you have used powerful language that provoked extensive thinking for myself. You made me wonder why the devil could behold so much beauty as I usually would not see the devil in a positive light at all. Your use of the words “inflames” and “Extinguishes” really brought your poem together. The only thing I would recommend is to extend your poem just by a few lines as is very intriguing and as a reader, I was left wanting more.

Keep up the amazing work!

Original comment can be found here: